Saturday, September 20, 2008

New York Fashion Week Coverage

Ok, so I've been MIA for a while now, meanwhile, New York Fashion Week flies by. There was a lot of great coverage and instead of competing with blogs that have budget, I thought I'd do what blogs do - regurgitate press by providing hyperlinks.

Treehugger and Inhabitat have been doing a great job covering the Eko-Laborative fashion exhibition at New York Fashion Week. Feel free to browse their articles at the links above.

The Daily Green did a great job with a behind the scenes slideshow of the Be EcoChic fashion show (bringing together activists, celebs and designers), to featured collections by hessnatur, John Patrick Organic, Eko-Lab, Ekovarhuset and others.


Unknown said...

Hello Econista!
I just spent some time checking out the site, and wanted to reach out to you regarding a resource! I am interested in placing an eco-friendly link with you! Please be in touch if you wish to discuss details and further info!

Thank you,

Unknown said...

Sorry i could not find your email address-

My name is Charlie and I have my own ethical fashion label. I sell limited edition clothing and bags (ten item limit for clothing designs and most bags are one-offs). I am a new business and looking for help to get my name ‘out there’.

I would really love it if you put an article/post on your site about my business.

I am offering bloggers 5% of any sales I make that come via their website. If you are interested in doing a post on my ethical fashion business with a ‘10% off’ customer offer on there that would be great. I have written one myself that I can send you. Alternatively, you can use the information on it if you would rather write something from your chosen angle.

I hope to hear from

